Family stock-picking competition

While moderating the Mary Holm event at the Central Hawkes Bay Readers & Writers book festival this year, the topic of educating children about investing came up. A lady in the audience said that her family had embarked on a competition to see who would pick the best share portfolio. Each member of the family (parents and the young children) had opened a Sharesies account and invested $20 into it. They had then picked which shares they would like to buy. One of the useful features of these platforms is the ability to purchase "partial shares", so if the price is $10 but you only want to invest five, then you can buy half a share. The idea was to see which portfolio had performed the best by the end of the year. We thought that this was indeed a great way of introducing our children to the world of investing. They have often asked me "so what do you actually do daddy?" Unlike that of their farming uncle, my work must seem completely intangible. While I am no...